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    redeemed his life by large sums of money, is A deputation at the bar of the assembly demands, revolutionary, 1,600,000,000 livres. Chambon states the expence, extraordinary and Westerman, who stiled (sic) himself the conqueror into France, and found refuge there during 64 The prisoners in Paris amount to 6763. St. Lucia taken by the English. as incompatible with republican government. years, obtains alms of the convention, viz. 6oo The honours of the pantheon voted to Rousseau. knowing a counter-revolutionist by his physiognomy. 9. Gobet, intruding bishop of Paris, guillotined. "34 years." Dumas, a deputy, pretends to point out a method of 12. The city of Oneglia taken by the French. are guillotined. 7. Formal entry of the Emperor into Brussels. that death be the order of the day. Decreed, that the executive council be suppressed, The daughter of Sultan Achmet III. who had fled "What is a King compared with a French citizen?" livres, (about 25l. sterling.) of royalists, the Abbé d'Espagnac, and many others, St. Just, in the convention, asks the question 14. The allies repulse the French on the Lys. 18. Laborde, a wealthy banker who had several times




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