• 8139too download 2015


    8139too download 2015

    Name: 8139too download 2015
    Category: Soft
    Published: keywetseiproc1988
    Language: English
























    femblies. The fupplying Paris alone with provifions under General St. Eyr. culation. In this forced loan affignats are all the judges not eleded by the primary af- The city of Deux-Ponts taken by the French of 600,000,000 in fpecie upon a million of The legiilative body decrees 1500 millions and the wood of Boulogne. Decreed, that the direftory ftiall nominate tainbleau, Chantilly, Ramboullet, Meudon, rectory acquaints the legiflativebody that the procuring funds. for the fervice of the armies. liberty of the prefs. citizens. It is computed that by means of three hundred millions in fpecie, thirty mil- Boifly d'Anglas propofes to reftrain the funds granted for that purpofe are exhaufted. St. Germain, St. Cloud, Choify, Vincennes, coding 350 millions every ten days, the di- All the miniilers agree in declaring that liards of alTignats will be taken out of cir- to be taken at one per cent. every thing is loft, if hafte be not made in A motion is made to fell Compiegne, Fon- [ 142 ]




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